"It's a rough test, most people do not pass their first time, and I am talking guys who have been roofing forever. I know of guys who gave up after their third try."
Deadline to register
Apr. 23rd
Residential Class
May 14-15
Unlimited Class
May 14-16
May 21st
Deadline to register
June 25th
Residential Class
July 16-17
Unlimited Class
July 16-18
July 23rd
Deadline to register
Aug. 20th
Residential Class
Sept. 10-11
Unlimited Class
Sept. 10-12
Sept. 17th
About the Illinois 105 Roofing Exam: Challenges and Preparation
Here are some of the reasons the Illinois 105 Roofing Contractors Exam is so difficult, even for the most experienced roofers, and how Illinois Roofing Institute helps.

It's not practical for roofers.
The test is not designed for roofers. It's designed for test-takers. Seasoned roofers may have a hard time passing this exam without prep because it contains information you don't use in the field.
So, we translate the difference into simple, easy-to-understand training. As licensed roofers, we speak "roofer" and we speak "instructor." We have merged both in our class so you're equally ready to be a roofer and a test-taker.

It's timed.
The Residential roofing exam is 90 minutes, and 2.5 hours for the Unlimited roofing exam. Anything you don't finish, is marked wrong.
So, we time our practice exams! Whether you have 20 years of roofing experience or 30 minutes of experience, you'll know you're ready because we know exactly how to prepare you for the Illinois Roofing Contractor's Exam.

It's designed to be confusing.
There are 3 different exams to choose, but only 2 types of licenses you can obtain. The wording of the questions are confusing even for experienced roofers. They don't notify you when your results are posted, and if you don't pass they don't tell you why.
So we designed our prep classes to be simple and understandable! We give you pro tips to pass, practical ways to pass, and practice to pass, so you have the confidence to pass.
The Illinois Roofing Exam is big challenge. But our team has helped thousands pass it. We are for you! And we can't wait to prove it to you.